Friday 10 September 2010


Okay. So I don't care what anyone else thinks, but Eastenders is in a complete league of its own!! I have never cried so much at an episode and nobody even died ! This shows just how much it is about the actors and the storyline! You don't need tragedy to make it feel tragic! Something about it I think people can relate to. Nothing compared to Coronation Street, Hollyoaks and don't even get me started on Emmerdale!! They can't even TRY to compete with the brilliance of Eastenders!! I know I sound like a bit of a psycho obsessive Eastenders fan but i just LOVE it !!! I think the thing that made me sad was the fact that when there were tearsn, the actors where genuinely sad that Babs is leaving!! I love that she didn't die though! She can still come back! Even if she doesn't want to!! I will drag her myself from Spain or wherever she went !! Haha !! Anyway , in gonna stop rabbiting on now !!

PS - can't wait for Kat and Alfie to return!!!!!!

PPS - I think Jesse Wallace has definitely had something done to her lips !!!!


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