Okay, so this is my first ever experience of blogging ever !!! So I may be pretty crap at it ! I recently read a book about someone who blogs and I thought "Hey! I can do that!!" I often write a diary, so I'm kinda thinking it's a similar thing?!
Right... I guess firstly I should tell you a bit about me! (not too much though, I'm sure you don't want my life story!!)
I'm 19 years old and I'm currently living with my boyfriend (he's slightly older than me, but we don't need to get into that just yet!) We went to Australia a few weeks ago which was good. It wasn't overly hot as it was their Winter (and i do love a HOT holiday! what girl doesn't??) So the reason I went to Australia is that my biological Dad lives out there. My mum and him divorced when I was a baby and he moved to Australia to live and I hadn't seen him since, so it was kind of a big deal!
It was very weird meeting him at first. I knew it was bound to be awkward! I kept finding myself staring at him and thinking "we've got the same ears, and the same eyes "...
But after a few drinks, we became a bit more comfortable and starting to relax a bit. Like what do you say to your Dad who you haven't seen since you were 7months old ! He kept asking me to tell him stuff, I'm like, "what do you want to know??" I found it hard exlaining stuff to him about my childhood and upbringing that he'd missed out on. I guess I've never had to talk about things that aren't neccessarily important to me but were to him. Like what food I liked, and names of my friends etc!
I had spoken to my Father a few times prior to meeting, over the years. Mum never really liked me speaking to him on the phone because he'd always be drunk and he'd make me upset, espcially at a young age. Mum has always been really supportive about the whole thing.
I have two step dads anyway (another story I won't get into now. It's not a gay thing by the way!!) I have an amazing family around me and I love them all loads, so I didn't really feel that I'd missed him in my life, because I'd had a great life and a great family! I guess I just wanted to meet him out of curiosity (naturally) more than anything. All of his family live over in Australia with him and I have a step brother. I only met my Dad when I went out there, but maybe next time I will meet the rest of the family. I thought it would be a bit too overwhelming to meet them as well as Dad for the first time!
So. I'm now back from Australia, and I've got a few weeks before I start University.
I'm going to Bath Spa University to study Performing Arts, which is what my passion is.
I love performing especially singing and acting. I'd love to do it as a profession but it's such a competitive business to get into (Theres No Business Like Show Business!) but I'm pretty determined, so I will reach my goal one day!
I guess that's all you need to know for the moment... I hope this hasn't been too horrible to read and I hope my spelling's been okay ?
I will write again soon, probaby tomorrow.
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